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Great things can happen in an extraordinary year!

Writer's picture: cathy kingcathy king

With 2022 winding down, I naturally begin contemplating my intentions for 2023. At the same time, I can’t help but reflect on all the goodness that I experienced over these past 12 months. It truly has been a remarkable year.

Cathy with Piper enjoying some together time
Cathy & Piper, Florida

It all started with an impromptu trip to Florida, where I was blessed with two weeks of quality time with my son Nick, his wife Hannah, and their energetic fur baby, Piper.

Florida is a welcome winter getaway from snowy New England. Looking back, I realize it’s these little unplanned moments that are not only meaningful but also necessary in my life. Suffice it to say, it was two weeks of unscheduled time to just be present, listening, and enjoying each other’s company.

February brought the first of two big client transition engagements for 2022. I worked with two different homeowners to declutter, stage, sell, and move from big beautiful homes to smaller beautiful condos. It took weeks of attentiveness, work, and laughter, but the results exceeded the expectations of all parties involved. Happy clients just fill my soul. A little know fact in this industry is that happiness is not always realized until you are on the other side of very big projects. I have no doubt that both of these clients will be lifelong friends of mine. These were big transitions that initially did not seem possible to my clients but with my support and teamwork, we achieved their goals.

April brought an educational trip to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the annual national organizer’s conference.

NAPO 2022 Conference held in Baltimore, Maryland
NAPO 2022 Conference, Baltimore

It was four days filled with education while immersing myself in like-minded organizers, all trying to make a difference in the world of productivity and organization. Additionally, I was fortunate to meet a Facebook friend in person, someone I had only met over Zoom. She drove to Baltimore to meet me for lunch, and we had a blast getting to know each other even more. She is a teacher-turned-entrepreneur who fills your heart with joy.

Cathy, Matty, Nick, Hannah and Tyler hiking in Sedona, Arizona
King Family hiking in Sedona, Arizona

May brought my 60th birthday and lots of celebrating. Hannah and Nick pulled together a one-week trip to Sedona, Arizona that I will never forget. Together, they ensured that every day was filled with special moments of gratitude and recognition. Each day involved activities such as hiking, star gazing, wine tasting, site seeing, and special dinners. Not only that, each dinner was filled with table-sharing topics, and everyone shared special messages about me. This lady could not ask for more family love and inspiration.

Three sisters enjoying some exercise at the spa.
Three Sisters celebrating

But, the celebrating was not done yet, as my two sisters planned a three-day spa getaway in Plymouth, Massachusetts that was also fantastic.

We enjoyed daily exercise, spa treatments, great food, and lots of wine. Both birthday events were filled with sustainable gifts and activities. All that celebrating made me feel like I was the richest lady in the world and that my life is truly magnificent.

NAPO Virtual Chapter logo

That’s not all, folks. Sprinkled around all of this celebrating, I also managed to accomplish several other pursuits. I was selected for a VP position for the all-volunteer board of the NAPO Virtual Chapter group (NAPO - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals). In addition, I was selected for the Co-Chair position for the NAPO ECO SIG group (NAPO Environmentally Conscious Organizers Special Interests Group). Both of these positions support my sustainability drive and organizing passion to help others. I find that volunteering is also a good way to help drive change and that my voice and actions are often able to impact a larger audience. These positions also help me stay current in my field of work and learn new problem-solving ideas. Growth comes from a desire to do better, which I believe is a good thing.

Over this year I helped dozens of clients win the battle with their “stuff” and find more peace in their space. Thousands of items have been donated to good causes, thus avoiding landfill. So much decluttering was completed by skillfully avoiding dumpsters and trash cans. I have been fortunate to have met so many great people, and together we have solved lots of problems. We laughed and cried together while remaining resolved to reach our goals. There were times when success was not always visible, and the path seemed a bit much, but success was always achieved. Thanks to my great clients and support team, my business grew 25% from 2021 to 2022!

Pictures of Baltimore, MD, Sedona, AZ, Plymouth, MA, Ireland & Italy
The place you go in a year

So how do I end this incredible year? Well, I’m adding one more growth experience to the docket. Starting on December 27, my son Tyler and I are traveling to Europe. This is a trip that was originally planned for May 2020, and we all know what happened to travel plans that year. This will be Tyler’s maiden voyage out of the country, so there will be a lot of adventuring for sure. We are going to Italy and Ireland for seven days, and I’m thinking this is a great way to usher in a new year, while celebrating the ending of this extraordinary one, don’t you? Happy New Year everyone, and stay tuned for what life has in store for The Sustainable Organizer in 2023!

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